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In 2021, Misty published her book Rise: A Guide to

Climbing Out of Betrayal Trauma.  In her book, Misty details how

she, and hundreds of other women, are finding their way out of

betrayal trauma and into a life of purpose and passion, regardless of what happened in their marriage.  Using her background as an educator, Misty breaks down recovery into 4 stages: climb, conquer, rest and restore. She brings to light the importance of seeing sexual betrayal through the lens of trauma and abuse, and exposes the myths of sexual addiction held by many churches and mainstream circles.  Misty's bold statements and uncompromising convictions reflect the truths in God's Word as she unravels the many layers that betrayal trauma brings.

Jim climbed his own mountain to freedom from a long standing addiction to pornography, which eventually led him down the path to an affair. His testimony is one of deliverance, yet devastation, as he came to grips with the consequences of his choices.  Digging deep into both his past and his present, Jim was able to identify the source of his addictive lifestyle and experienced the true saving grace and freedom through Jesus Christ. In humility and brokenness, he learned how he could rebuild trust with his bride, live in victory over his addiction, and shed the abusive behaviors that accompanied the addiction.  He learned how to love his wife well while she struggled her way through the forest of grief.  

As Jim and Misty navigated through starless nights of grief, fear, and pain, rather than turn and hide from the loneliness, they learned how to brave vulnerability and turn in to their triggers and patterns that were harming their relationship with God, with themselves, and with others.  In the process, they discovered that hoping less wasn't the same as hopelessness.  Now, they want to take the tools they learned and spread that Hope to others who are facing their own mountains of recovery.  They want others to know that HOPE is alive, regardless of the outcome of your marriage.  Your story is unique to you.  And God can paint beautiful pictures on any canvas.  You can climb your mountain and reach the peak of restoration as He does a new work in your life.  But first, you must rise.

"The best view happens after the hardest climb." -unknown


On Easter weekend, 2017, Jim & Misty found themselves facing the mountain of recovery.  The  climb for healing was treacherous, heavy, steep, and felt humanly impossible. Their journey started more alone than together and took many detours, dead ends, and leaps of faith, but what awaited them was well worth the climb.

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 He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.

Psalms 40:2

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