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Sex Addict: Do you want to get well?

Updated: Apr 28, 2021

John 5:6: "When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?” (NIV)

You tried "white knuckling" it. . .it didn't work.

You tried praying about it. . .it didn't work.

You tried the men's group at church. . .it didn't work.

You thought maybe if you did more for God or surrendered your life to Him. . . but it didn't work.

So what can you do to really be set free? To STOP acting out sexually? To STOP the online chat rooms, dating sites, fantasizing, emotional affairs, pornography websites, or prostitute hookups?

We're glad you're here. We're even more glad you clicked on this article, because there is hope for you to find freedom. But bro, it ain't gonna be easy.

Recovery is for real men. Recovery is for bad-ass men. Recovery is for bold men.

It's work. It's messy. It's hard. It's challenging. It's slow, grueling, painful, hard-freaking work.

ARE YOU MAN ENOUGH? Do you have what it takes?

If you think you want to come clean and get clean,

here are 20 questions to determine if you've got what it takes.

  1. Can you admit you have a problem?

  2. Can you admit you have no control over this problem?

  3. Do you understand you can't do this alone?

  4. Ask yourself, "Am I willing to do whatever it takes to change?"

  5. Do you want to experience PEACE & FREEDOM?

  6. Are you broken by your choices and sick of the slavery the addiction has over you?

  7. Can you set aside all pride and enter humility?

  8. Are you willing to finally get real and honest with yourself, God, and others?

  9. Are you willing to dive into your past to explore pain that has not caused, but certainly fed, your addiction?

  10. Are you ready to admit that your addiction is not a marriage problem, it is a person problem? A heart problem?

  11. Are you willing to let go of "your precious?"...the unwanted sexual behavior(s) that has a hold on you?

  12. Are you willing to tell it ALL to your spouse? To enter TOTAL transparency in EVERY AREA OF YOUR LIFE, including finances, cell phone, websites, etc.

  13. Do you understand and accept that telling ALL may mean losing your marriage, but for the sake of freedom, you are willing to take that risk, for YOU?

  14. Do you take 100% responsibility for your acting out, without placing any blame on anyone else other than yourself?

  15. Are you willing to attend weekly counseling sessions alone, weekly or bi-weekly counseling sessions with your spouse, and weekly men's recovery group?

  16. Are you willing to potentially spend thousands of dollars to invest in your healing and recovery process through professional counseling sessions, reading material, etc.?

  17. Are you willing to say goodbye to your privacy and hiddenness? (everything must come into the light! No more secrets/lies.)

  18. Can you be ALL IN to this recovery process? (This means you prioritize your counseling sessions and group sessions, rarely missing except for emergency situations. You read RECOVERY books/12 Steps that deal specifically with SA. This is in addition to your Bible or other reading.)

  19. Are you willing to explore the GRACE of God like never before? To have a true grace awakening? To tap into the power of the Living God? To fully submit your past, present and future to Him?

  20. In a nutshell, do you want to be well?

If you answered YES to the questions above. . .


The goal is not saving your marriage, the goal is saving you.

Don't know where to start?


For LOCAL SA (Sex Addiction) Groups, click here.

For better grasp on how your addiction has affected your spouse, read RISE: A Guide To Climbing Out of Betrayal Trauma by Misty Terrell.

For articles and podcasts on the abuse that accompanies sex addiction, check out this website.

Time to Climb. Freedom awaits.

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